Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Cocoon of Safety

I think we all operate from inside our cocoons of safety at some point or another. Whether we're dealing with people who have previously hurt us, or whether we're not sure where we stand with that hard-to-get-along-with-boss.....or sometimes we're in that cocoon for a greater purpose. We're changing!
I love my cocoon. It's's cozy, it's comfy.
I've even decorated the walls a bit, knowing I would be in this cocoon for awhile.
But here's the thing about cocoons or chrysalises (chrysali?).....they aren't meant for permanent residence. Which really stinks!!!
As I said before, it's warm, cozy and comfy in my cocoon.
Cocoons bring about amazing change. You enter as not much more than a gross looking worm and you re-emerge as this beautifully-colored, flying creature.
If you've ever seen a butterfly break out of their's very interesting. It happens very quickly......and where a previous brown, very odd shaped item was...suddenly this butterfly is just sitting there, resting. And they sit there......and sit there. Because it takes a lot of work busting out of that thing. So they wait until their wings are all pumped up on butterfly juice (no, that's not the scientific term)....and they take off.
I like to think they're gearing up, gathering up all the gumption and courage they possess in order to take that first flying leap.
Ooohh, that flying leap. I know it has to come at some point.....but.....
Did I mention my cocoon is warm, cozy and comfy???

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